
Philips behaalt in het tweede kwartaal een vergelijkbare omzetgroei van 3% naar EUR 6 miljard en een operationeel resultaat van EUR 501 miljoen

juli 27, 2015

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Hoogtepunten tweede kwartaal

  • De vergelijkbare omzet is met 3% gegroeid, met name dankzij verbeteringen in Noord-Amerika, Centraal- en Oost-Europa en India
  • De EBITA, exclusief herstructurerings- en overnamegerelateerde lasten en overige posten, bedroeg EUR 501 miljoen, ofwel 8,4% van de omzet, tegenover 7,9% van de omzet in het tweede kwartaal van 2014
  • De EBITA kwam uit op EUR 450 miljoen, ofwel 7,5% van de omzet, tegenover 7,4% van de omzet in het tweede kwartaal van 2014
  • Het nettoresultaat bedroeg EUR 274 miljoen, vergeleken met EUR 243 miljoen in het tweede kwartaal van 2014
  • Vrije uitgaande kasstroom van EUR 30 miljoen, tegenover een vrije kasinstroom van EUR 214 miljoen in het tweede kwartaal van 2014
  • Het splitsingsproces verloopt naar tevredenheid  


De eerste zes maanden van 2015

  • De omzet in de eerste helft van 2015 bedroeg EUR 11,3 miljard, een stijging van 3% op vergelijkbare basis.
  • De omzet in onze groeiregio's was 4% hoger dan in de eerste helft van 2014 en was goed voor 35% van de omzet.
  • De EBITA bedroeg EUR 680 miljoen, ofwel 6,0% van de omzet, tegenover EUR 621 miljoen, ofwel 6,4% van de omzet, in de eerste helft van 2014.
  • De EBITA exclusief herstructurerings- en overnamegerelateerde lasten en overige posten bedroeg EUR 828 miljoen, ofwel 7,3% van de omzet, tegenover EUR 698 miljoen, ofwel 7,2 % van de omzet, in de eerste helft van 2014, met name dankzij betere operationele resultaten van Consumer  Lifestyle en Lighting.
  • Het nettoresultaat bedroeg EUR 374 miljoen, vergeleken met EUR 380 miljoen in de eerste helft van 2014.  


Frans van Houten, CEO:


“We zijn verheugd over de verdere verbetering van onze operationele resultaten in het tweede kwartaal van 2015, met name dankzij een sterke groei van de vergelijkbare omzet bij Healthcare en forse margeverbeteringen bij Consumer Lifestyle en Lighting. Hoewel we positief zijn over onze vooruitgang in het algemeen en met name over de resultaten van Healthcare in de Verenigde Staten, zijn we in toenemende mate bezorgd over het mondiale macro-economische klimaat, met name in China, Rusland en Latijns-Amerika.


Bij Healthcare hebben we in het kwartaal aanzienlijke verbeteringen van de operationele marge gerealiseerd. Dit werd grotendeels tenietgedaan door een omvangrijk negatief wisselkoerseffect op de marge, verdere investeringen in groeimogelijkheden, en kosten gerelateerd aan de aanzienlijke inspanningen om onze kwaliteitsbeheersystemen te blijven verbeteren. We constateren tevens dat de Chinese markt lastiger wordt, met als gevolg dat de orders zijn teruggelopen. We zijn verheugd over de vooruitgang die wordt geboekt bij het opvoeren van de productie en leveringen vanuit onze productiefaciliteit in Cleveland, hoewel er nog meer werk moet worden verzet.


Bij Consumer Lifestyle hebben we de operationele resultaten verder verbeterd, met name als gevolg van uitstekende prestaties bij Health & Wellness. Zoals al eerder aangegeven leidde de fasering bij de introductie van nieuwe producten tot een uitzonderlijk sterke groei in het eerste kwartaal, met als gevolg een lager groeipercentage in het kwartaal dat volgde. Over het geheel viel de vergelijkbare omzetgroei in de eerste helft van 2015 ruim binnen het middelhoge tot hoge enkelcijferige groeisegment.


Bij Lighting realiseerden we opnieuw een sterke omzetgroei en een verbeterde winstgevendheid van onze LED-activiteiten. Tegelijkertijd wisten we het aantrekkelijke kasstroom- en winstgevendheidsprofiel van onze conventionele verlichtingsactiviteiten te behouden door onze productiefaciliteiten proactief te optimaliseren en kosten stringent te beheersen, dit ondanks de aanzienlijk teruggelopen markt. Als wereldwijd toonaangevende aanbieder van verlichtingsoplossingen hebben we vertrouwen in ons vermogen om leiding te geven aan de transformatie in deze sector.


Kijkend naar de toekomst blijven we een bescheiden omzetgroei in 2015 en een verbetering van de operationele resultaten over het jaar verwachten. Ofschoon we bezorgd zijn over de invloed van het lastigere mondiale macro-economische klimaat op de resultaten, verwachten we een verdere verbetering van de operationele resultaten in 2016, waarmee de onderliggende kracht van onze activiteiten verder wordt versterkt. Op onze Capital Markets Day op 15 september a.s. zullen we nadere informatie geven over de resultaatontwikkeling bij HealthTech en Lighting Solutions."



klik hier voor het volledige Engelstalige persbericht



Quarterly Report

Q2 2015 - Quarterly Report


Q2 2015 - Quarterly Results Presentation 




Conference call and audio webcast

A conference call with Frans van Houten, CEO, and Ron Wirahadiraksa, CFO, to discuss the results, will start at 10:00AM CET. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available through the link below.


Q2 2015 conference call audio webcast

More information about Frans van Houten and Ron Wirahadiraksa

Click here for Mr. van Houten's CV and images

Click here for Mr. Wirahadiraksa's CV and images

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Philips and Westchester Medical Center Health

 Philips and Westchester Medical Center HealthNetwork entered into a multi-year, USD 500 millionmanaged services partnership to transform and improve healthcare for 3 million patients. Theagreement includes consulting services, medicaltechnologies and clinical informatics solutions, andaims to improve all care areas, including radiology,cardiology, neurology, oncology and pediatrics.

Rhiza Foundation and Philips launched a mobile clinic pilot project

 Exploring locally relevant solutions, the Rhiza Foundation and its technology partner Philips launched a mobile clinic pilot project focused on delivering basic primary healthcare, mother and child healthcare and dental care in particular to thousands of people living in townships in South Africa who have little or no access to healthcare facilities.

A diversified portfolio of innovations delivered results for Male Grooming

 A diversified portfolio of innovations delivered results for Male Grooming in the quarter, with Asian markets particularly strong. In Japan, the ongoing success of the premium Philips Shaver series 9000 drove market share, as did continued demand for Philips VisaPure for Men. In South Korea, Philips Shaver series 7000, a proposition for sensitive skin, is selling well, while in India the launch of affordable beard trimmers in tier 2 and 3 cities drove strong growth.

Philips Oral Healthcare delivered double-digit

 Philips Oral Healthcare delivered double-digit growth, expanding the category and increasing Philips’ market share in North America, China and Europe. Sales growth was driven by the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean, Series 2 and Series 3 toothbrushes and the newest innovation in interdental cleaning, the Philips Sonicare AirFloss Pro. 

Carrefour will install 2.5 kilometers of Philips LED lighting

 In Lille, France, Carrefour will install 2.5 kilometers of Philips LED lighting that uses light to transmit a location signal to a shopper’s smartphone, triggering an app to provide location-based services. This enables Carrefour to provide new services to its shoppers, such as helping them to navigate and find promotions across the 7,800 square-meter shop floor. It is the world’s largest connected lighting indoor positioning system for retail and reduces the total lighting-based electricity consumption of the hypermarket by 50%.

Philips will outfit the New NY Bridge in New York

 Philips will provide a connected LED lighting system for the New NY Bridge in New York, which will replace the Tappan Zee bridge. It will combine roadway and architectural lighting, an industry first, on what will be the most technologically advanced bridge in North America. The system will feature remotely programmed lights that produce dynamic colorful effects and use Philips ActiveSite and Philips CityTouch cloud-based remote monitoring and management systems.

LabPON achieves 100 percent digital diagnosis for clinical cases with Philips

  As a pioneer and leader in the emerging digital pathology market, Philips has enabled Netherlands based LabPON to become the first clinical pathology laboratory in the world to have transitioned completely to digital diagnosis. Philips’ ultrafast pathology scanner, information management system and services will improve laboratory efficiency, quality and service levels.

Philips received the Champion for Change award

 For the second consecutive year, Philips received the ‘Champion for Change’ award from Practice Greenhealth, North America’s leading membership and networking organization for institutions in the healthcare community, in recognition of its green health practices and sustainability initiatives with its customers and across the organization. 

For further information, please contact:

Steve Klink
Philips Group Communications
Tel: +31 6 10888824


Joost Akkermans
Philips Group Communications
Tel.: +31 6 3175 8996


About Royal Philips

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a diversified health and well-being company, focused on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation in the areas of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and Lighting. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips posted 2014 sales of EUR 21.4 billion and employs approximately 106,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. The company is a leader in cardiac care, acute care and home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well as male shaving and grooming and oral healthcare. News from Philips is located at


Forward-looking statements

This document and the related oral presentation, including responses to questions following the presentation, contain certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of Philips and certain of the plans and objectives of Philips with respect to these items. Examples of forward-looking statements include statements made about the strategy, estimates of sales growth, future EBITA, future developments in Philips’ organic business and the completion of acquisitions and divestments. By their nature, these statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these statements.


These factors include but are not limited to domestic and global economic and business conditions, developments within the euro zone, the successful implementation of Philips’ strategy and the ability to realize the benefits of this strategy, the ability to develop and market new products, changes in legislation, legal claims, changes in exchange and interest rates, changes in tax rates, pension costs and actuarial assumptions, raw materials and employee costs, the ability to identify and complete successful acquisitions, including Volcano, and to integrate those acquisitions into the business, the ability to successfully exit certain businesses or restructure the operations, the rate of technological changes, political, economic and other developments in countries where Philips operates, industry consolidation and competition. As a result, Philips’ actual future results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in such forward-looking statements. For a discussion of factors that could cause future results to differ from such forward-looking statements, see the Risk management chapter included in the Annual Report 2014.


Third-party market share data


Statements regarding market share, including those regarding Philips’ competitive position, contained in this document are based on outside sources such as research institutes, industry and dealer panels in combination with management estimates. Where information is not yet available to Philips, those statements may also be based on estimates and projections prepared by outside sources or management. Rankings are based on sales unless otherwise stated.


Use of non-GAAP information


In presenting and discussing the Philips Group financial position, operating results and cash flows, management uses certain non-GAAP financial measures. These non-GAAP financial measures should not be viewed in isolation as alternatives to the equivalent IFRS measures and should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable IFRS measures. Non-GAAP financial measures do not have standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. A reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable IFRS measures is contained in this document. Further information on non-GAAP measures can be found in the Annual Report 2014.


Use of fair-value measurements


In presenting the Philips Group financial position, fair values are used for the measurement of various items in accordance with the applicable accounting standards. These fair values are based on market prices, where available, and are obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable. Readers are cautioned that these values are subject to changes over time and are only valid at the balance sheet date. When quoted prices or observable market data are not readily available, fair values are estimated using appropriate valuation models and unobservable inputs. Such fair value estimates require management to make significant assumptions with respect to future developments, which are inherently uncertain and may therefore deviate from actual developments. Critical assumptions used are disclosed in the Annual Report 2014. Independent valuations may have been obtained to support management’s determination of fair values.




All amounts are in millions of euros unless otherwise stated. All reported data is unaudited. Financial reporting is in accordance with the accounting policies as stated in the Annual Report 2014, unless otherwise stated.


In 2014, we announced plans to establish two standalone companies focused on the HealthTech and Lighting Solutions opportunities. The proposed separation of the Lighting business impacts all businesses and markets as well as all supporting functions and all assets and liabilities of the Group. Philips expects the separation will take approximately 12-18 months. We expect to continue reporting in the existing structure until the changes in the way we allocate resources and analyze performance in the new structure have been completed.


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